Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Charcuterie Recipe - Grazing Table with Artisan Bread, Camembert, Salami and Chutney Dips

Charcuterie Recipe - Grazing Table with Artisan Bread, Camembert, Salami and Chutney Dips
Grazing Table with Artisan Bread, Camembert, Salami and Chutney Dips. This grazing table is ideal for entertaining guests or serving as a snack during a relaxing night in. The artisan bread, creamy Camembert cheese, savoury salami, and sweet chutney dips combine to create a delicious and satisfying flavor experience. #wheel camembert, #artisan bread, #chutney, #salami

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Food Selfies

#Food Food Food

PressureCooking Recipe - Instant Pot Beef and Sweet Potato Chili

PressureCooking Recipe - Instant Pot Beef and Sweet Potato Chili
Instant Pot Beef and Sweet Potato Chili. This Instant Pot Beef and Sweet Potato Chili is a hearty and delectable one-pot meal ideal for a cold winter day. The sweet potatoes sweeten the spicy chili, while the beef and beans make it filling and satisfying. #ground beef, #red bell pepper, #beef broth, #olive oil, #sweet potatoes